Best Practices Missions
TEN Best Practices Missions (BPMs) are working trips of 3 to 5 days focused on tourism-related themes relevant to communities and destinations. These group trips provide a chance to experience and learn, first-hand, from ‘best-in-class’ examples. Two or three BPM trips are planned and delivered annually by TEN to support product development priorities.
BPMs appeal to tourism business owners, tourism marketers, event planners, product developers, community representatives and other decision-makers and managers from tourism operations and communities across Northern Ontario who want to expand their appeal to visitors, attract new and repeat markets and further develop tourism in their vicinity.
At a cost of $250/day plus travel to departure location, all on-site travel, accommodation, set meals and activities are covered during the trip.
Space is limited to 12 participants per trip.
Please click on the image below to view our current offerings