Community Tourism Assessment Index Session

What is the Community Tourism Assessment Index Session?

The goal of the session is to bring together tourism business and community representatives of a particular area to participate in a community tourism asset mapping process.

The session will use the framework provided by TEN’s Community Tourism Assessment Index Tool to complete the asset mapping process.  The Tool assesses the readiness and capacity of a community to undertake sustainable tourism development.

The Tool looks at:

  • Tourism assets (e.g. attractions, accommodations)
  • Leadership and planning capacity
  • Economic, environmental, and social attributes

Once the assessment has been completed, the next steps are to:

  • Celebrate areas that are strong
  • Identify gaps in assets or planning / Identify tourism readiness
  • Identify opportunities for improvement
  • Develop an action plan to address weaknesses and make improvements

Learning Outcomes:

  • Identify community’s tourism assets
  • Identify community’s leadership and planning capacity
  • Identify community’s economic, environmental and social attributes
  • Determine gaps in the community’s readiness and capacity to undertake sustainable tourism development
  • Assess community’s readiness and capacity to undertake sustainable tourism development
  • Outline a plan to address gaps
  • Determine next steps community would like to take

Email us today at to assess your community's eligibility for the session!

You may also view and download the Community Tourism Assessment Index tool below:

Download Tool (English version)          Download Tool (French version)