Fast Track to Success: Personalized Coaching for Your Business

Personalized Coaching
Fast Track to Success: Personalized Coaching for Your Business

TEN’s Fast Track to Success (FTS) is a one-on-one coaching program, delivered by a skilled consultant retained by Tourism Excellence North (TEN) – called a TEN Trainer.

Working with owners and operators at their business during their operating season, over a 24- hour period, the TEN Trainer provides practical and useful advice to improve the operation. The coaching opportunity includes a pre-visit survey, on-site visit by the TEN Trainer, recommendations that ‘can be implemented the next day’ and two post-visit opportunities for support.

Valued at over $3,500, there is a fee of $300 for the coaching session with the remainder supported thanks to investments from Tourism Northern Ontario and Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport. During their visit, TEN Specialists will participate in, stay in, or experience all operations while paying market rates.

What types of businesses are good candidates for the program?
The FTS program is beneficial for many types of operations, including:

  1. Operations that want to confirm they are ‘on track’
  2. Operations that want help responding to shifting market needs/interests and prepare for the future
  3. Operations needing assistance with visitor experiences
  4. Operations wanting objective recommendations to strengthen their overall operation
  5. Operations under transition. FTS can provide objective advice for operations under transition or thinking about it (i.e. ownership, family succession, new markets/products).

What are people saying about the program?

• "Our Consultant was very perceptive of our organization’s needs and not only addressed topics that we brought to the discussion, but also other macro level needs. Seeing recommendations in black and white served as the impetus for our whole organization to be on the same page on these topics. Thank you."

• "Giving us an outside look at our operation from a person that is qualified and having our issues identified from the consultant emphasized our strategy and direction."

• "We particularly liked how focused the sessions were and how quickly the report was prepared. It kept momentum moving, and we were able to act on many of the recommendations."

Watch our ‘Tourism Excellence North for Operators/ Tourisme d’excellence Nord pour les exploitants’ video below for more reasons to participate in the FTS program!

What FTS alumni are saying:

“Thank you so much for encouraging us to participate in this wonderful program.  It was incredibly valuable to us.”  Heather Gropp, Economic Development Officer, Township of Sioux Narrows – Nestor Falls, October 2, 2019.

Thank you so much for approaching us with this opportunity. We had such a great visit with Chris, and we value the feedback he provided to us. There were many details he asked about, and it didn't take him long to figure us out and to be able to make valuable observations and suggestions. More people should take advantage of this opportunity when it is offered!”  Tanya McCubbin, Manager, Ojibway Family Lodge – Temagami ON



Who is this for?

  • Accommodation providers
  • Communities & Destinations
  • Operators
  • Tourism business owners
  • Tourism experience providers
  • Tourism operation managers
  • Tourism organizations