Moving Tourism in Your Community from Ideas to Action

Moving Tourism in Your Community from Ideas to Action is a group workshop designed to teach community tourism stakeholders to create and build upon existing partnerships to develop new, or enhanced, visitor experiences to foster increased visitation and revenue to their respective communities.

Over one-and-a-half days, participants will learn the fundamentals of experiential travel, learn how to identify the key players involved in the delivery of touring experiences or products, identify priority areas for development, identify their community’s gaps and assets, and create a detailed action plan to develop and implement their objectives.

Workshops are focused on a specific community or region and/or tourism product, so that participants can network and collaborate with others in their geographic area.  Networking is often a highlight of the workshops, with many opportunities for sharing and feedback provided.

The workshop can be held both in-person and online. The in-person delivery is 1.5 days and the online delivery is 2 half days.

Interested in holding a workshop in your area? Contact TEN at to discuss.